today's activator

Einstein Quote of the Dayから
mediocre -> so so -> bad -> {bad in a clever way} -> calculating,
scheming ->
scheme に「たくらみ」って意味合いもあるのか。
deceive ...
#I have deceived myself not a beginner, so I call
#myself "sho-gaku-sha"(which seems somewhat advanced).
#I have very poor mind.

  • >trick/deceive -> {to trick someone and amke them believe

something that is not true} -> con
#He was trying to con me, and I knew it.

  • > put one over on

#Lawyers claim that the tabacco industry, by failing to tell
#everything it knew about smoking, was putting one over on its

  • > put the wool over somebody's eyes


(google alertから) snakeskin thigh-highs -> thigh ->

elevenses ←(イマココ)

*1:実際 exciteで"That's the last time he puts one over on me!"を翻訳すると「それは彼が私の上で1を渡航する最 後の時です!」とか出る (´・(ェ)・`)